- 各種訴訟(保全、執行を含みます。)、その他紛争解決
- 様々な業種(不動産、建設、製造、金融、IT、通信、医療、介護な ど)のクライアント企業を対象とした企業法務
- 事業承継やM&Aに関するリーガルサービス(法務DD、契約書作成・レビュー、スキーム構築)
- 倒産処理(破産手続のほか民事再生・会社更生などの再建手続)
- 渉外法務(国際取引の交渉、英文契約書作成・レビュー・翻訳、国際紛争解決、外国法調査、現地弁護士に依頼する場合のサポートなど)
- 債権回収(任意交渉、訴訟など)
- 債務整理・破産手続
- 家事事件全般(相続、遺産分割、遺言書の作成、成年後見、離婚、離縁など)
- Litigation (including provisional and enforcement proceedings), alternative dispute resolution
- General corporate matters to clients covering a wide range of business sectors (real estate, construction, manufacturing, finance, IT, communication, medical, caretaking for the elderly and others)
- Business succession, M&A (legal due diligence, drafting and reviewing contracts, proposing a transaction scheme)
- Corporate reorganization (bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation and other corporate reorganization)
- International law (international transaction, drafting and reviewing international contracts, translation, international dispute resolution, research, support in retaining local attorneys)
- Debt collection (negotiation, litigation);
- Negotiation with creditors for clearing/reducing debts, bankruptcy;
- Family law (succession, estate division, will, adult guardianship, divorce, other dissolution)